The Killing Complex - a fast-paced survival thriller book by K G Leslie

The Killing Complex - a fast-paced survival thriller book promotion by K G Leslie

This book is free on Amazon!

If they treat you like a monster... how long until you become one?

Cassie sought freedom from her constrained life in England but now she is a captive of the Complex. Collared...caged... and changing. She's losing her humanity and turning into one of the dangerous beasts she must fight. When a savior for her soul brings hope, Cassie must face up to the traumas she has endured and the horrors she has caused.

Reader comments:

"Horrifying and thrilling"
"Never read anything like this before"
"I have to know what happens"
"Left me unsettled..."

The Killing Complex is the first in a four-book series, available now in full.