Dynasty in the East is an Alternate History Saga that begins in 1405, when a late departing element of the First Chinese Treasure Fleet is driven far to the north by a major typhoon. They sail due east in an attempt to catch up with the rest of the fleet, and make landfall in the Americas. After trading for a hoard of Inca gold, they sail north and establish a colony in Northern California.
Meriwether Lewis buys a Girandoni repeating air rifle with his own money at the Brown’s Ferry Arsenal, while purchasing guns and supplies for the Corps of Discovery Expedition.
That rifle has a profound effect on the Expedition to the West Coast, the Empire, the Alamo, and in the Civil War.
Historical figures, including William Clark, Davy Crockett, Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Andy Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln and others will play roles in this saga which continues into the 1880s.
Dynasty in the East - An Alternate History Novel by A.G. Kimbrough