
To Those We Found - A gripping Sci-Fi Thriller from the Edge of the Universe by George Ander


In a far-off galaxy, the purple-skinned alien, Taman Yedder, left his home colony for the motherworld Yemma.
As one among billions, he was chosen to represent his home system and compete against six other chosen ones, in a grand contest called, the Anermis-report.

A welcome message that's intended to be sent to another species that they have discovered.

He has no time to rest, however, as his interstellar flight arrived on a great delay, leaving him months behind his competitors.
After meeting his sponsor, he embarks on a high-speed journey to locations of historical and cultural significance.
This way he must capture the essence of his species.
Yet, at his first stop, he encounters an angry mob of protesters, seemingly trying to stop his progress.
Nothing the authorities can't handle. But it's not a coincidence, and after escaping the raging protesters at nearly every location he visits, he discovers that an age-old enemy orchestrates their attacks.
A secret terror organization, driven by an ancient religion.
But are they truly as evil as the government says? And will Taman survive to finish the contest?