Emergence: Blue Ormus is an ultra-compelling superhero story featuring a woman of color tackling progressive ideas and modern issues in society.
The story begins by revealing that the Ormus was first exposed by a secret expedition to Antarctica in 1957, and over the course of time seeped into the environment. Speed ahead to 1978 and three women with high concentrations of Ormus find themselves experiencing heightened abilities and sensations that dramatically alter the trajectory of their lives…
Being lauded as a fabulously unique, inspiring, sexy and action-packed read, it will have you begging for more – which is perfectly to plan since parts 2 and 3 are getting prepped for release!
The story begins by revealing that the Ormus was first exposed by a secret expedition to Antarctica in 1957, and over the course of time seeped into the environment. Speed ahead to 1978 and three women with high concentrations of Ormus find themselves experiencing heightened abilities and sensations that dramatically alter the trajectory of their lives…
Being lauded as a fabulously unique, inspiring, sexy and action-packed read, it will have you begging for more – which is perfectly to plan since parts 2 and 3 are getting prepped for release!