The Long Way Home is an intriguing work of fiction set in 1950s Madison County, Nebraska. At the heart of the story is Maggie Davis, a middle-aged widow and recent heiress to a grand Victorian manor. The stately home, which Maggie shares with her spirited nine-year-old daughter Jenna, also serves as a bed and breakfast to a once regular, but now transitory, clientele.
The kitchen table is the epicenter of lively, often contentious, dialogue where no topics are off-limits. An outspoken neighbor and frequent visitor delights in keeping everyone on guard with her opinionated tirades but is reigned in by an elderly, equally forthright family member who has recently become a permanent dweller at the manor.
Maggie finds herself struggling with the painful memories of her husband’s tragic death, as well as the stirrings in her heart associated with a new house guest. A reprehensible scheme to swindle Maggie out of her property rides on the heels of a sudden, unexpected death, pointing to a member of the family as a suspect. Set against a captivating backdrop of family secrets, scandal, love, and humor, the story culminates with an emotional twist.