Spells of Hell: Why We Keep Choosing The Wrong Men - Christian / Relationship by Melissa Hudson

Spells of Hell: Why We Keep Choosing The Wrong Men - Christian / Relationship book promotion Melissa Hudson

Why do we as women keep choosing the wrong men as mates? Many females find themselves in endless relationships and marriages with men who do not value them as women.We are accustom to saying, "There are no good men, or All Men are Dogs." But ladies are still choosing men who they know will lead them down a dark road of destruction.

Divorce rates are increasing, while the will to live for God is decreasing. Domestic violence issues are on the rise where not only the woman is in danger, but also she is endangering her child's life when she allows herself to get involved with a man whom she knows is toxic. When will this vicious cycle end? "Spells of Hell," encourages women to have self- worth, never settle for less than the best, and to seek God first before seeking a mate. Some females choose men by the world's standards instead of choosing their mates through the eyes of God. It is very important for God to choose the man, instead of us choosing our mates. God allows courtships to manifest into wonderful marriages that will last a lifetime. What God ordains, it will remain.