A Silent Life: Divorce, Narcissism, and the Toxic Family by Valerie Gellar

A Silent Life: Divorce, Narcissism, and the Toxic Family book Valerie Gellar

Abusive relationships permeate the fabric of America. Narcissistic abuse is particularly insidious, as it is often very difficult to identify. A Silent Life: Divorce, Narcissism, and the Toxic Family, recounts Valerie's experiences living with, and escaping from, narcissistic, abusive husbands and a toxic family, in addition to exposing the complexities of the California court system in handling custody and abuse cases.

A Silent Life was written with the intention to empower and inform individuals who are in abusive situations in their life. Readers will gain an understanding of what narcissistic behavior looks like in a relationship, and how that behavior carries over into legal matters and family life. There is always hope, no matter how bleak the situation, and this book is a testament to that fact.