
Scythe Tleppo: My Survival of a Cult, Abandonment, Addiction and Homelessness by Nathan Rich


This book is a memoir by Nathan Rich, Chief Technology Officer at Asia's largest visual effects companies, for major motion pictures. He currently lives in China.

Raised in Scientology, Rich pushed back from an early age. He was sent away to the infamously abusive Mace Kingsley Ranch, at age 8.

At age 9, Rich attempted suicide. By 14, he was sent back to the Mace Kingsley Ranch, for 3 years. He was not allowed to communicate with his family, at their request.

After Rich left the Ranch, at age 17, he ran away from home. He tried to return home but his family permanently disconnected from him.

For 7 years, Rich was homeless, addicted to heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine.

Rich was in a gang and was shot at, jumped, beat up, and disregarded by society, as a homeless nuisance.

Rich slowly turned his life around, without a family. He had no money and no job history, or skills. He had only an 8th grade education, and no identification of any kind.

Find out the thought processes of a young boy raised in Scientology, and later the rough streets. Find out the thought processes that helped turn this boy into a functioning man.

This is a dark book, with a deep and inspirational message. There is nothing you can't overcome. This book proves that absolutely.