Believe Me: The Story of a Narcissist - an intriguing fiction tale by Tracilyn George

Believe Me: The Story of a Narcissist - an intriguing fiction tale by Tracilyn George

When Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick decided to run for the presidency of the United States, his family were against the idea.  They feared what would happen when he showed his true colors.  His children preferred their privacy while Ken basked in the limelight.

The family found themselves appalled at Ken's antics and the words of hate spewing from his lips.  They heard his hate speech behind closed doors and never believed he would say it in public.

When Ken won the general election, his family was in shock.  They had convinced themselves he was going to lose.  Because of his win, they were thrust into the public eye. 

Tensions came to a head when hate crimes were perpetrated against Ken's only son, KJ.  The crimes divided the family even further until one decides they couldn't take it any longer.