War of Nytefall: Loyalty - an action-packed vampire fantasy adventure by Charles E. Yallowitz

War of Nytefall: Loyalty - an action-packed vampire fantasy adventure by Charles E. Yallowitz

The execution of Clyde is only the beginning when the vampiric thief becomes a victim of the Great Cataclysm.

Having been trapped underground for fifty years, Clyde has finally been released by his old partner and unleashed in a world gone mad.  Hunters and priests of Durag the Sun God have declared war on the vampires.  The noble council spends more time fighting each other than uniting against their common enemies.  With chaos reigning, Clyde and his gang might be the only ones able to turn the tide.  Yet, there is more going on than the bloodthirsty thief realizes, including changes within himself.  Stronger, faster, and more powerful than his brethren, is he still a vampire or has Clyde become something else?

War of Nytefall: Loyalty shows the events leading up to Windemere’s vampire civil war.  It is the old guard versus the newly born Dawn Fangs with mortals unaware of the battles that will rage for centuries.  It all begins with the return of a man who is always one step away from becoming a monster.