The First and the Last - a paranormal tale of trial and redemption by John Rossi

The First and the Last - a paranormal tale of trial and redemption by John Rossi

Lucifer, the Morning Star, the chief architect of the cosmos, a general of the angelic legions and loyal servant of Creation. Despite his dutiful service to his creator mankind has maligned him for centuries.  We have called him devil, demon, deceiver, the father of lies, the Adversary and countless other insults.  The only thing we have ever truly understood about him is that he hates us, all of us.  He has watched us wage war across the planet he helped forge.  He has watched us pollute the world that he helped create.  He has watched us indulge in corruption, debauchery, murder, rape and every kind of sin imaginable.  In the mind of the Morning Star he's not the bad guy, you are.  To that end he launched his great protest against humanity.  What we believed to be a rebellion against god was in fact a rebellion against us.  The Morning Star lead tens of thousands of angry angels to earth with one purpose: to record every heinous deed they could witness us perpetrate.  Their plan, to go before Creation when the time was right and recount every vile sin they witnessed humanity commit.  Their goal, to make sure that our souls never reach the light of Elysium, that we never ascend to heaven.  It was an effort that went disastrously wrong.  One by one the pain of walking among humans drove the angelic protestors from earth until Lucifer was the last.  In his lonely, angst filled vigil he soon comes to realize that his own actions have allowed the return of his ancient enemies, the demons of chaos.  Lead by their terrible commanders, the Seven Lords of Sin, the demonic hoards begin feasting on mortal sin.  Stuck on earth with no loyal cohorts remaining he must turn to the one group of angels he may hate more than humanity itself the Grigori, the Watcher angels.  The Grigori took brides from humanity and conceived with them the mortal half angels called the nephilim.  Now he has no choice but to band together with the Watchers and to work with their hybrid children whom he considers the very living symbols of his failure to serve Creation.  He must set aside his hatred of humanity, his vitriol for the Watchers and his contemptuous resentment of the nephilim to find and defeat his ancient adversaries before their very presence could unravel the fabric of creation, and all of us along with it.