This changes a cheater or an angry partner - how-to by Elizabeth Edionwe

This changes a cheater or an angry partner - how-to by Elizabeth Edionwe

This book is on sale for $0.99 (regularly $4.99) 7/4/2017 - 9/30/2017!

You fall in love. At first, everything is rosy. But soon after, romance, love, fly out the window. The home has become a battle ground.  The person you love is now going out to cheat.  You are at your wit’s end trying one thing or the other to change him/her, even things counselors and others told you to do, but it is not working. OR you fall in love. Life is good, you can smell love in the air.  But soon, the person you thought is in love with you has now turned to be an angry machine.  If you make a statement, he/she is angry.  If you ask him/her a question, he/she is angry. If you do everything to please him/her, this partner is still angry. Their anger goes from 0 to 10 in seconds.  And you do not know what else to do. Don’t worry! Here is God’s view as to what will change him or her. Remember - the manufacturer of a product knows the product best. A-must-read.