
Monoland: Into The Grey Horizon - metaphysics afterlife story by E.A. Minin


Free 5/1/2017!

Monoland is not heaven or hell. It’s a place somewhere in between. The World with no colors, but full of possibilities. Events that are changing the perception and paradigm of existence for ones who step into this plane. The monochrome world where newcomers break bonds with past life, apprentices study the crafts of three factions working for the good of Gray and Colored worlds.

We step in at the last minutes of man’s life, but that is where his journey begins. Journey where thoughts are revealed, emotions evolve to a new level, and life itself gains greater meaning. Together with his curator, the hero goes through the bureaucracy of the afterlife, farewells with the past and complicated relationship between disciple and mentor.

How can view with no colors change the perception of our hero? This story is about the existential metamorphosis of one who collects shattered understanding of life and reason piece by piece to reform it into something he could call "Me."