
The Heart of the Matter (A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love) - Spirituality Self help book promotion by Joffre McClung

The Heart of the Matter (A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love) - Spirituality Self help book promotion by Joffre McClung

$5.99 on Amazon!

Self-love or the lack of self-love not only determines how we see ourselves but also governs how we experience the world  around us. It is the prism through which we see and define all things.

We are meant to be whole, and that means healing and integrating those orphaned parts of ourselves. Believe it or not, every wound holds a forgotten gem just waiting to be rediscovered. Wounds are not only filled with unhealed pain but also shroud your ability to dream and create, to feel joy and excitement, to have faith and trust, to live with passion and compassion, and, most importantly, to love and to receive love.

To live the best version of you is not to ignore certain parts of yourself. To live the best version of you is to reclaim and heal those orphaned parts and, in so doing, discover your true beauty and the ultimate power of self-love: the freedom to be you with no masks or safety nets required—just glorious you.