I am not planning on pretending to be a detective in order to find the killer or the killers. I just want to find out what is hiding behind the endless hide and seek me and my grandma have been playing the past years with some strangers. Four unexplained deaths from the June of 2003 to the November of 2005 are a lot, and I am always afraid their number rises.
For now, the only thing I want is to put aside carefully all the excuses that Maria Grossman is splurging on me for some time. Maybe, if I can put in order what I remember from the past years, I can understand what happened and find an excuse for her wacky behavior.
Thus I will try to note the facts, in case I manage to discover what she has been hiding from me all this time.
It’s obvious that everything started that evening at the start of June 2003. I had just become five and getting ready for my first year at school.