Are We There Yet - Children's Book by Adam James

Are We There Yet - Children's Book by Adam James

Free 3/16/2017!

Let us go on a journey

Across this great land.

Through history we’ll travel

In a world so grand.

Atop magical creatures,

On which we will ride.

They will teach us well,

For they are our guide.

And when we are done

Your next adventure starts.

You’ll dream of far off places,

That you now know by heart.

'Are We There Yet' is a magical journey around the world that teaches kids about history and geography. Beautiful full page illustrations, hand painted by Polina Whitetail, fill each page. Explore places like China, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Tunisia (Carthage), Italy, France, England, Ireland, the U.S. and Canada. Kids will love to learn while exploring our world on the backs of magical animals.