
Murder on Steel Beach: A Navy Story by Robert Knauer


Free 8/27/2016 - 8/29/2016!

A fictional account of Navy life and times aboard the fictional cargo ship, USS SAN CLEMENTE. The main character is Lieutenant Bob Cantley, a maverick supply corps officer that runs into a ruthless Commanding Officer known as the “Spine Ripper.”   His career is doomed from the day he reports aboard. The story line takes the reader through Lt. Cantley’s entry into the Navy through his first ship and onward to his final tour aboard the cargo vessel, where the Skipper is abusive and hates just about everyone.  Sailors are faced with numerous moral dilemmas that include personal intrigue, sex, cult mischief, homosexuality, drinking and enough crimes to make your head spin.  The skipper is murdered, and the Navy tries to get to the bottom of it.