Their responsibilities will come at a high price of personal sacrifice.
~A legacy from the grave, legends since birth~
Prior to their eighteenth birthdays, eight teenagers are summoned overseas. Upon their arrival in The Cook Islands, they begin Summer Assembly, an initiation for transitioning vampires. They train under one of the oldest vampires known to man—Legend Sinclair, who happens to be their father.
With mixed feelings and new responsibilities, Legend’s children battle with their decision about duty, honor, and saving the world from a sinister global evacuation plan. Their goal is to stop the immoral Entitled Ones who plan to use genocide to regain full control over the world’s population and its unsuspecting citizens. If the elites are successful, they’ll position themselves with old world titles within the New World Order. And millions will die before their reign of terror begins.
Legend and his family will do whatever necessary to stop the Entitled Ones and shine a light on a corrupt shadow government and its evil propaganda. While Legend’s teenage sons and daughter battle between right and wrong, they also come to terms with giving up what they cherished most—high school friends, their North Carolina homes, and a highly anticipated senior year.
Their rewards will be great if they can expose the corruption behind a reformed world, but their battles are more complicated than they seem. Legend’s family will face off with the supernatural world and discover there are underlying wicked currents driving the onset of a reformed world.