
Mastering Responsive Web Design - Web Design/Web Development by Ricardo Zea


On Sale for $5.00 (87% savings from its regular $39.99 price) at http://masteringrwd.com - Sale goes from 12/24 - 1/8!

If you're a Web Designer/Developer that loves HTML and CSS/Sass, yeah, you might want to give this book a chance.

Ricardo wanted to write this book as progressive as possible, catering things for beginners and advanced web professionals. His tone is very conversational, like if you and him were in the same room talking shop and he was showing you how he does things so you can take what works for you and ditch the rest.

Simple and to the point. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Take your RWD skills to the next level with HTML5 and CSS3 best practices that will give you a solid foundation to build out from
  • Harness the power of the CSS pre-processor Sass to speed up the creation of your CSS
  • Each chapter dives deep in to different aspects of RWD and is designed to get you up to speed with the latest developments in professional web design

Each chapter will take you one step closer to becoming an expert in RWD. Right from the start your skills will be pushed as we introduce you to the power of Sass, the CSS preprocessor, to increase the speed of writing repetitive CSS tasks. Then use simple but meaningful HTML examples, and add ARIA roles to increase accessibility. The book also covers when desktop-first or mobile-first approaches are ideal, and strategies to implement a mobile-first approach in your HTML builds.

After this you will learn how to use an easily scalable CSS grid or, if you prefer, how to use Flexbox instead. Then Ricardo shows you how to implement images and video in both responsive and responsible ways. Finally, you're going to build a solid and elegant typographic scale, and make sure your messages and communications display correctly with responsive emails.