
Highball Exit - a thriller book promotion by Phyllis Smallman

Reading a Sherri Travis novel, by Phyllis Smallman, is like sitting down at a bar for a drink with an old friend and knowing the beer is going to be cold, the peanuts fresh, and the stories spicy!

Sherri can stir up trouble with the skill of any good bartender and Highball Exit is no exception. Only this time, trouble almost gets the best of her. Sherri's pizzazz for fun and adventure fizzles when faced with insurmountable personal danger, financial ruin, and a tottering romance.

This book is a little darker, and more intense than others in this series. Scenes of Sherri, alone in the dark in a remote beach house, are not for late night reading unless you like looking over your shoulder. Highball Exit has a twisting, satisfying plot with an ending that finds Sherri naked on the beach.... her tormenter closing ground.... I'm not going to tell you the shocking finale but I think you'll find justice clearly served.