The Urpalians: The Search for the Magical Cave - a Biblical Fiction by Oron Ofek

The idea for "The Urpalians" came to me after I read the Harry Potter series to my children.
I began looking at old Jewish scriptures that discussed battles between forces of Light and Darkness, wizards and magic, and the battle between Good and Evil.

I gathered as much information that I could find in my researched and added a few of my own stories to the plot.

Parts of the story were also inspired by our family trips to the desert in southern Israel. The maze of tunnels at the bowels of the earth is inspired by a family trip to the Chariton tunnel in Bethlehem.
I hope you'll enjoy reading "The Urpalians" as much as I enjoyed writing and creating this wonderful world. Aside from the mystery and suspense the readers can also learn about ancient history and more importantly the values of friendship and teamwork.

The book is now 0.99$ on Amazon! Get it here: