Self Discovery & Self Control, a journey for Women - a motivational book by Ursula Wessels

This is a must read for women!

Ursula B. Wessels is not only an author, but a strong advocate for women.  Her book, “Self Discovery & Self Control” helps women who truly wish to find themselves develop their own self love.  Her belief is that we should each learn to enjoy life in every moment of every day- who could disagree?

One of my favorite parts of “Self Discovery& Self Control” is Ursula’s point that we each do have the control to change our life to be positive.  Just like any change, it takes practice! She rips out negativity from its core and replaces it with the necessary foundation for self love.

Ursula adds famous inspirational quotes and her own thought-provoking poetry to help awaken the reader and transport them on the path of self discovery.  As the reader continues learning and practicing Ursula’s proven methodology through the exercises provided, the reader starts to gain control over their mind and emotion until they are their own master.

Ursula’s book must be shared with women, especially young women, so that they can discover their own importance before developing negative images of themselves.  If you aren’t certain whether you have self love or perhaps it wavers, do yourself the favor and download “Self Discovery & Self Control” ASAP.
 -Purple Birch Publishing Ltd.