
Dead South: The Zombie Apocalypse in London by David Brinson



Kindle Countdown promotion scheduled on amazon.com for 7 days. Price will be $0.99 from March 10 2015 to March 17 2015
Kindle Countdown promotion scheduled on amazon.co.uk for 7 days. Price will be £0.99 from March 20 2015 to March 27 2015

Dead South is a story of survival set in the capital city of the United Kingdom.

It is the first person account of Dean Baker a normal man who lives in an area of south London called Eltham. The story focuses on his efforts to gather his family and friends to areas of safety during the beginning days of the Zombie Apocalypse. Dean has been described as the perfect hero. He is quick and deliberate to act and constantly plans his approaches to the zombie hordes.

Released in December 2014 Dead South became an amazon.co.uk best seller after only 6 weeks and it's popularity continues to grow every day.