
Garrett & Sunny - by Peter Butler


When Garrett wakes to find a massive red handbag on his dresser and a pair of pretty pink panties on his bedroom floor, you'd think he'd be a happy man. But he's not - It seems the past twelve hours have been totally erased from his memory and rather than basking in the glow of a success he's more worried about who belongs to the items, what actually happened last night, and a million other things he can't quite remember to know if he should be worried about.. His attempts at answering those questions only add dreadfully to his problems.

Garrett is a fun guy who is prepared to bend the rules (if they need bending). Sunny is a beautiful, intelligent girl and great fun. But a little different - she likes to play mind games and uses them as a filtering system when it comes to men.

Garrett and Sunny is a fun story filled with laughter, love, lust, and adventure in England and the faraway Australian outback - a place where Englishmen have a long history of coming to grief.

Before he realizes, Garrett is in over his head in more ways than he can count, and the events of the next few weeks of his life will either determine his future - Or, end it.