· If you are one of the millions of people that wish that they were slimmer, fitter and healthier but don’t know where to start.
· If you have always told yourself; “one day I will lose some weight”, but never actually got around to it.
This book is for you!
· If you want to get real fitness results but don’t want to join a gym
· If you want to start a progressive training routine from your own home that will give you great fitness and weight loss results
This book is also for you!
My name is James Atkinson. I am a qualified fitness coach who not only talks the talk but actually walks the walk!
Throughout my fitness career of almost 20 years I have been fat, skinny, a long distance runner and also a competing bodybuilder, so you could say I have been at the sharp ends of both sides of the fitness scale.
During this time I have learned a whole lot, not only about fitness in the physical sense but I have also learned that any type of fitness (weight loss, cardio, muscle building etc) also requires an element of mental exhaustion and I know how hard it can be to find the right routine/ program for the beginner to fitness and weight loss.
My 6 week home workout for beginners routine can be done by any fitness level. Because it is progressive it is easy to start and each week there are slight increases to the program, these increases are minimal and may not even be noticed!
It was my aim when creating this beginner home workout routine that the trainer, (you) will:
· Not be overwhelmed by the workload, mentally or physically
· Have a solid, progressive routine set out
· Can start the routine easily
· Not find the workout “time intensive”
I hope to see you soon and remember that I am always here to help so if you do have any questions during your training, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will always do my very best to help you!
I can be contacted at:
I will look forward to hearing of your success with this!
All the best