”You. Are. Not. Alone.” is the debut, semi-autobiographical anthology by W. R. Watkins, that tells the story of a young boy, who navigates his way through the maze of his innermost vulnerabilities, his fears, his hopes and his dreams of life.
"You. Are. Not. Alone." is unique, in the way that the poems are almost diary-esque, with each poem telling a story. A story that offers the reader small glimpses into what it is like to feel isolated, alone and afraid.
W. R. Watkins invites the reader into parts of his life, and hopes to let them know that they are not alone in what they are going through.
"...there is a beautiful sense of "us" that forms, as the title suggests, the foundation of the anthology; that carries you from one page to the next. Although the work is semi-autobiographical, there is not one poem I failed to relate to - whether or not I've been through a similar situation. Watkins' work is personal but non-exclusive...You. Are. Not. Alone. has touched my heart and helped me feel less, well, alone." - L., GoodReads reviewer.
"Related to so many of these stories and came close to tears." - S. Boucher
4+ stars on GoodReads.
Ranked in Kindle Stores:
#1 - Anthologies & Literature Collections - Poetry; Amazon US
#1 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry - Anthologies; Amazon Canada
#1 - Anthologies & Literature Collections - Poetry; Amazon UK
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#1 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry - Subjects & Themes; Amazon Australia
#4 - Poetry English eBook; Amazon Germany
#8 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry; Amazon US
#11 - Literature & Fiction - Poetry; Amazon UK