Yaguara - kindle ebook by PA Morris


Yaguara was a quarterfinalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award and earned a  5 Star review from Author's Alliance.  It is the sequel to Sensory Overload, which also earned a 5 Star review from Author's Alliance.  Out later this year will be the third book in the series.  So a reader could be on his or her way to a three story treat of adventure, science, history and fun characters. 

When we were young we were taught that reading is fundamental. As adults I believe reading should be fun. I've tried to keep the pace brisk, the plot developing with a twist here and there, and the characters.....well, being characters. When you finish and put down one of my books I hope you will have had your funny-bone tickled, your heart tugged upon and feel like you've made some new fictional friends.