“The Little Ladybug” is a delightful children's book written and illustrated by Amelia May. It tells the heartwarming story of one small bug with one small wish: he just wants a friend. He decides to go on a journey to meet new friends, but most of the other bugs he meets along the way reject his offer of friendship. Hurt and saddened, the ladybug heads home and almost gives up hope, but he finds in the end that true friendship comes naturally—and often from unexpected places!
Throughout his journey, the ladybug shows the importance of patience when looking for friendship and discovers that being kind and helping out someone in need is always a good thing to do.
Kids are sure to adore this little storybook's whimsical illustrations, which are unique and fun in their cut construction paper style. With one illustration accompanying each verse, the ladybug's story truly comes to life, and the rhythm and rhyme of the verses makes this book a fun one to read out loud to young children.
Endearing and inspiring, Amelia May's “The Little Ladybug” is guaranteed to entertain both adults and children as they read together. Recommended for children ages 3 to 7.