I was asked one morning about the motivation for my book and how it will be presented. My motivation is not simple, nor complex.
I am the only one of my family to be born and raised in Gloucester. I am still in touch with friends from as early as Ms Serio's 4th grade class at West Parish. Some friends did not come into my life till 8th grade with Ms Matson. My friends have all endured heartbreak due to the dangers of the sea. Some have been lucky and have had their loved ones returned, albeit with a few bumps, bruises and hypothermia. Some have died at sea but still were rescued. Others have lost it all and have had the ultimate sorrow for which i can not say I know the feeling.
I want to paint a great picture of Gloucester as a great place to grow up, but it is no movie set. You cant feel emotions from the silver screen. You have to know the soul of a fisherman, a Gloucesterman, a friend, in order to understand why they fish and why they risk it all, every time they leave the confines of the harbor.
The book will show some humor of the lighter side of Gloucester, but in later chapters, I hope for the readers to know the heart and soul of what makes my home town tick.
I promise a range of emotions in this book, where the feelings of sadness may even effect the most hardened man.