Once upon a time...
At The Bookshop on the Corner there was a shy bookworm called Sarah. Her days consisted of dusting haphazard stacks of books piled precariously in every nook and cranny of her secondhand shop, and reading. An introvert, she liked nothing better than getting lost inside the world of books, so much so, she had her book-boyfriend all mapped out. But book-boyfriends were fictional, weren't they? Sarah's last date had been with a girl called Billie, after a slight misunderstanding on the spelling of Billie's name. Since that disaster Sarah had shelved the idea of real love. After all, the small town of Ashford wasn't exactly teeming with men.
That was, until reporter Ridge stepped into her bookshop...
He was the epitome of a romance novel cover model: tall dark and handsome. But Sarah didn't trust him, no matter how distracting his biceps were, not to mention the man crease that her eyes seem magnetically drawn to. Once her sassy friend Missy, and Lil and CeeCee from the Gingerbread Cafe find out Ridge had his eyes firmly on their resident book-lover, the girls concoct a plan to help Sarah fall out of her comfort zone, and into the man crease - whoops - arms of Ridge. Can Sarah peek out from behind the pages of her books long enough to give real love a try?