If you are like me and love the Psalms but have difficulty relating to some of them, this book is for you. This is the second volume in what is soon to become a three volume series in which I write poetic reflections on each psalm. I have been touched by my readers telling me that my reflections encouraged them to take our their Bibles and to begin to reflect for themselves on what the psalmist was saying. It is my prayer that my words will touch you too in some fashion.
Here is what one Amazon reviewer said:
"Poetry, I? Read poetry? I haven't read a poem since Tiger, Tiger, burning bright. That was in school, many decades ago. Acknowledging that I am unworthy to critique a work that is based on a book from the Bible, (Five books actually). I fully expected to start this book and fall into my Sunday afternoon slumber, but heavens forbid, the more I read, the more I see it is written for the modern day reader, by a champion, a champion for the poor, for the oppressed...
The thinking reader, who wants a break from the moribund, who wants to read and be provoked into thought. Heathens beware, corrupt leaders beware, read this at your peril, it will make you rethink your positions. Someone is watching and that someone governs eternal life...
This author conveys her pain on every page, her pain for all the oppressed, the lied to, the deceived. What a wonderful thought provoking book."