The Wounded - kindle ebook by Lauren Nicolle Taylor

Find out why The Woodlands Series is a semi-finalist for the upcoming Best Kindle Book Award! Get The Wounded here:

Set amongst the imagined ruins of a city built around The Great Wall of China as well as several well-known, Russian cities, The Wounded follows characters as they navigate a post-apocalyptic world. We see characters from many different ethnicities and backgrounds fighting against a foe that is unaccepting of differences.

The Wounded also has an introspective aspect to it in a lot of ways, investigating modes of grief, developing relationships and the challenges of young parenthood in the face of extreme adversity. Written from the dual perspectives of two new, young parents, the Wounded has a strong theme of medical intrigue, born from the author’s own background in the Health Sciences and her personal struggles with the life-threatening illnesses of her two children. Aside from that it is a non-stop, action-packed read that never gives you time to pause and breathe!

Book #1— The Woodlands— is currently FREE! Get The Woodlands here: