
Political Craps - Kindle Ebook by Tom Ufert

Best Selling Author Tom Ufert Releases his Most Controversial Book "that promises to take American politics by storm!"

ObamaCare, IRS Scandal, NSA & Privacy, BridgeGate…
Anthony Weiner, Chris Christie, Tom Ford, Bob Filner…
Shutdown vs. Meltdown, Gridlock, TeaParty, Rep. vs. Dem…
Deficits, Lobbyists, Unemployment, Opinion Polls…

They’re all here and it’s all up to you!  Enough is enough and the time for action is now.  Everyone says they’re fed up with partisan rancor, inefficient government, and the “blame game.”  People cry for leadership and apathetically accept the status quo.  In Political CRAPS Author Tom Ufert lays it all out as a former political insider and holds both politicians & voters accountable.   He reminds us all that with freedom comes responsibility and change takes action.