Mystery and Misadventure – Kindle ebook by M.D. Hall

Kindle Countdown Deal promotion from 06/13/2014 to 06/19/2014.

Includes the prizewinning story The Door (Spinetinglers).

An elderly man with an unusual walking stick welcomes you, and begins to open doors to the worlds you are about to enter. He is just getting into his stride, when he checks the time and makes his excuses to leave. You are left wondering who he is, given that you have no clues as to his identity … well, maybe there is one!

So, what are these worlds? Are the protagonists just like you and me? In part, yes. But by the time you have met them all, I am fairly confident you wouldn’t want to be likened to some of them – even if you recognise one or two types; Derek, for instance … doesn’t everyone know a Derek?

Remember the old gentleman’s reassurance. Nothing within these pages can hurt you. You are an observer … just like Roger Stephenson …

What, from the safety of your armchair, bed or computer desk, will you observe? Some ghostly encounters, certainly; a tale or two of the supernatural, definitely; somewhere in the middle, a solitary sojourn into horror, while the remainder will just have to remain unexplained.

Oh, I almost forgot … keep an eye open for a very well preserved old car, and take care you don’t trip on a fine thread weaving its way through the pages …  Unlike those you meet here, you, at least, must not be careless.