Perhaps the best-kept secret about Meretneith is that I created characters that I admire. Meretneith was created with pen and yellow legal pads on trains, busses and planes during days as regional PM for AT&T Wireless out of the OMC in Chicago IL.
Always thinking that it was a professional indulgence to enjoy careers where I was the only female team member. This offered a unique opportunity to learn what drives the hidden needs and wants of men. Extreme money and power merely wet imagination. From being a broker to the smallest and largest financial institutions to banking and futures tradinghouses I finally found a brief home as a regional Project Manager.
Facing a tedious business trip to Las Vegas - I looked for something to read during down time. Bored with what seem then inexhaustible hosts of Sci-Fi fantasy readings...I decided to amuse myself with my own story. A biologist turn economist my researcher skills kicked in.
Growing up in multiethnic neighborhoods n Chicago - I fell in love with Rebbe's tales of Judaic mysticism.
When researching the book Meretneith I sat in old libraries from the Oriental Institute on the University of Chicago Campus to the archives of DePaul and Loyola University seminaries - I read and took notes. Notes became fictional prose and a story that weaved in and out of ancient cultures too old for man to remember.
Meretneith can never come close to the actual fantastical history of the human race and its migration through countless eons of "religions and ideologies", each new one more seductive than the others.
I have fallen love with the saga and it continues.