A Wizard Of Dreams by @myrddinsheir is a highly original and potent blend of magical intrigue and adventure.
It took me nearly 70 years to write this book. I had wanted as a young man to follow in the footsteps of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, but instead was plunged into the maelstrom of London inner city education. I wrote some stories for children in the 1970s – just to see if I could - and Penguin published them. I thought then that I would write something really good when I retired from teaching…
It was a murder attempt by three thugs in a third world country - 17 stitches in head wounds and my skull crushed in two places – that brought home to me how fragile my hold on the rest of my life was. I returned to the UK with my wonderful wife Amy at the beginning of 2011 and began writing 10 hours a day, 7 days a week...
The first five books in my epic “Myrddin’s Heir” series are now in the Amazon Kindle Store. They are written for bright children aged between 10 and 110. They entertain, challenge, inform and educate - the chapter notes at the back certainly interest ME! As far as I know this format is unique within the genre.
Gordon Bennett’s special powers first manifest themselves when he is five months old. He has an alter ego / guardian angel named Zack who knows a lot. The opening chapters exemplify the way his powers grow. He is ace at dealing with bullies. He travels in dreams through time and space. He goes wherever truth has found a cunning place to hide…
The bulk of the action takes place in his eleventh year. He’s called to a particular holiday cottage in Cornwall, where the ghost of his sixteen greats grandmother offers him an interesting theory re the origin of his amazing abilities. From her he acquires Mabon’s ring, and is told how to find the Tara Torque. On his eleventh birthday he is transported by the torque to Avalon (Tír na nÓg, the Land of the Forever Young, and of the Dead, where Frodo, Bilbo and Gandalf sailed off to with the Elves at the end of The Lord of the Rings). There he meets King Arthur and The Army of the Slain, and Myrddin reveals what is planned for him...
This is a long story: longer than The Lord of the Rings, longer than The Chronicles of Narnia, longer even than Harry Potter and… To finish it I need to live another 15 years. I’d like to finish it, because I know how it ends.