
The Butterfly Papers - kindle ebook by Pepper Carlson


...Natália knew the Universe would collaborate in her favor the elements usually did. But she would soon learn there was more to her than meets the eye when a series of ordinary events would produce extraordinary circumstances...

Trying to catch my breath wasn’t easy. It would take some time to acclimate. I loved to visit here but would never live here. The forbidden-city is where the lost came to stay missing. Even the weather was cruel if you got in its way. It was so humid you could almost touch it. It felt wet and sexy on my skin and the energy of the night dared me to take chances. The humidity made me thirsty with its whispers of sweet nothings in my ear. It reminded me of a rainforest I wasn’t positively sure I ever knew.  It teased me with the smell of rain and the musky scent of a stranger just beyond my reach.

With the scent came an immediate stirring in my body I didn’t recognize.  A vision flashed before my eyes of a panther so black it was blue with the shiniest coat and the greenest eyes. I stumbled and leaned into a mailbox to steady me. “What the heck was that?” I mumbled to myself shaking my head.  Thinking back to the last bar I was in I wondered if maybe someone put something in my drink. Looking around I made sure I wasn’t being followed.