The Black Hand Gang - kindle ebook by David Edwards

#helpingkidstoread with an excellent story. BUT My moral crusade as a no.1 bestselling author in the UK is unique.I decided to give my latest bestselling book away FREE as an ebook in 5 different formats. But also with a free electronic game of swap cards.Why?
To encourage a child or youth 9 - 19 years old to delve behind the game cards and find out more from the book. Simple isn't it?
The electronic link also connects via Facebook as it is central to the plot and of course the game is integrated into Facebook.
Besides all this, the book is also free from all the main retailers throughout the world because people are scared to download and I therefore always point to Amazon via this link

So this is not for me, it is for ‘kids’ like my beloved and annoying son, who can do 3 things at once but only if on a TV, PC and mobile….In fact it was all designed to keep his mother sane.

Please try it and if you like it, do please spread the word #helpingkidstoread on Twitter and Facebook. That unfortunately is how crusades work nowadays, electronically and virally.

#3 Amazon on the UK kids chart  last time I looked.

The Black Hand Gang, get the free electronic game at and have a chat over a cup of tea.