GRID Traveler Trilogy - a science fiction and fantasy adventure kindle ebook by J Carrell Jones

GRID Traveler Trilogy is a collection of three books (Distant Reality, Alien Shores, and Lines Crossed) about Sean Blakemore, would-be Horned God of the semi-secret Most High Goddess. We find him at his lowest point in life. He hated himself and wallowed in self-pity. When he knew life couldn’t suck any worse he received new orders. He had to hand command of the Johnson over to his enemy. The person who turned her back on him when he needed her most. Then, the Goddess arrived and everything changed. She lured him into a world like no other – Magick was real. For better or worse, Sean’s outlook was forever changed.

Set in the far future Humans had pretty much won the war against the SI – an advanced artificial intelligence, created by Humans for exploration, that was once our advance guard into the great beyond. Now with the war winding down we find Sean, Commander of the GRID Battle Cruiser Reginald L Johnson, waiting for a sign. GRID Traveler Trilogy is about Sean Blakemore’s redemption, from rock bottom to discovering Humankind’s true origins and possibly its inevitable future.