Happy Shorts - happiness kindle ebook marketing by Susan Spira
Get into Happy Shorts for a celebration of a woman’s heart! An intimate look into life, love, happiness, and inspiration sure to make you chuckle and nod your head in agreement. Happy Shorts is a collection of heart-felt inspirations and observations. A relaxing read, Happy Shorts is a look at life from the quirky side.
With story titles like: “My Love, My Life Force, My Catalyst”, “Say NO If”, “The Final Goodbye: A ‘Shoeneral’ to Remember”, “Stuck on Each Other: How Do You Know It’s Love?”, and “5 Easy Steps to Being a Diva” readers are in for a wild, zany, goofy, heart-felt ride of inspiration and self-acceptance.
Author Susan Spira understands the importance of sharing one’s feelings and experiences. In sharing, lives are connected. In sharing, people don’t feel alone. Feelings are common experiences, mirroring each life in unique, yet similar ways. Life is a joyous process of loving and being loved. Susan shares her experiences and thoughts in a “tell-it-like-it-is” style, entertaining the reader and leaving the reader with many thought-provoking, self-reflective, and just charming moments. Happy Shorts is an inspirational gem. With a new surprise with each of her personal 120 essays, getting into Susan’s shorts is charming, provocative, and a great tool for personal inspiration and happiness.