Never an Orphan Soul - novel kindle ebook promotion by Paul Arendt

Never an Orphan Soul - novel kindle ebook promotion by Paul Arendt
Never an Orphan Soul - novel kindle ebook marketing by Paul Arendt

A story of madness, ancestry, and cultural homelessness.  For those who live with a hand to the sky, searching for the Pulse of all things.

We all have ancestors.  We know this, for we wear their faces.  Their echos abound, and their signatures are written on our bodies, inherited from the past, each bearing the marks that distinguish one tribe from another; their whispers persist in the very core of our mood, and this novel will give you a reason to listen closely.  The narrator, Gerard, and his manic friend Randolph, serve as guides on the river of blood that connects us all to the past.

Paul Arendt has created a brilliant new novel about the deep burdens we all share in this mad new century, and he gives readers a reason to chase their own root systems all the way down to the bottom.

Arendt's observations are provocative, expressed with urgency and silken fire, and the consistency of his tender and poetic prose is rare indeed.