Knocked Up Not Out - Single Motherhood Self Help kindle ebook Marketing by Crystal Milbert
"Over 90% of my socks don't have a mate and they aren't crying about it."
I wouldn't necessarily give that advice out to a young woman facing single motherhood but I would definitely tell her to get this book! It's full of helpful advice and not sugar coated because the life of a single mom can be anything but that. If you have a single mom in your life or know someone going through it this book can identify with her and guide her through the ever mounting obstacles that can get in her way such as:
· Difficult relationship with Dad
· Establishing a functional parenting plan
· Long distance parenting
· How to handle domestic violence issues
· Where to live
· Becoming independent
· Tips if heading to court
This book is easy to read and has real life scenarios that single moms can relate with. It’s truly a valuable tool to have. Single moms have the right to be happy, stable and able to move on in their lives as positive role models. Getting to that point can be quite an adventure, let this book be a positive guide and help alleviate some of the stress!