has been a labor not so much of love, but rather catharsis. There was
little I could afford to change apart from a few names and details
without taking away any impact that I intended to impart to the
readers. Living through it was much harder than one could imagine, and I
really tried to find the best words possible to describe the ordeal;
the perpetual feelings of exhaustion and despair that hounded someone
until the root cause had pushed that person to the breaking point of
madness. Once that line is crossed, all semblance of reason and logic
becomes perverted by a primal need to correct the imbalance
in whatever way possible, no matter the cost or risk involved.
who have read the work thus far have all found it dark, disturbing, and
absolutely riveting if for no other reason than to see how bad things
become in future installments of the series. The next part of the
series, titled "A Shattered Mind: Downward Spiral", will likely be
released in January 2014 and I hope that all who read this first segment
of this story finds it worthwhile enough to eagerly await the next one.