
Crash Course by Nicky McBride


A trans-Atlantic tale of murder and mayhem...told through the endearing dorkiness of the most eccentric detective since Monk.

UK driving instructor Shelf Barker has had his share of lousy jobs, from yoga instructor to university professor. He's had his share of lousy wives, too, one of whom he calls The Cobra. His current wife? Well, there's potential there, because at least she can cook a little. Indeed, the mild-mannered Brit has become quite fond of his wife's Italian-American specialties, from luganica to cannoli.

He's a bit less fond of her American family, who have an unfortunate habit of appearing on his Norfolk, England, doorstep at precisely the wrong moment, window-tinted Mafia staff car and all. And guns. In England? Well...yes.

The combination of British eccentricity and reserve with Italian-American brashness and bonhomie amounts to a prescription for humor, all the while masking the evil deeds discovered in the trunk of a learner car checked out to--of course--Shelf Barker.