Take Revenge or Die - an epic adventure suspense kindle ebook by David Methvin Pierce

"This book was so hard to put down and when I finally did, it felt like all these characters were missing in my real world. Parts of it were hard to read due to the realistic details that had me feeling the pain or sorrow along with Leon, Marilyn and others. At times I had tears rolling down my cheeks and sometimes I was laughing out loud. I would talk to the characters when they were about to do something foolish, as if I could stop them. Being set in the two southern states where I grew up in the same time period, it was easy for me to feel at home with the characters. The author's writing style was a little different that most others that I have read. It took me a few pages to get used to it but once I did, the story began to flow through my mind. Turns out I thoroughly enjoy this style of writing and prefer it over other styles that also have narrations by several characters throughout the book.
This story brings together such a wide range of different living conditions starting from severe poverty with hard, painful facts on what a single mother must do to survive in harsh times. Through her strength, this mom refuses defeat and barters for a chance of a better life for herself and her son. Together, they find kindness and opportunity when they luck upon meeting a generous and loving couple at a Louisiana diner. With a new home and jobs, Leon and Marilyn work hard to prove their value and earn the love and respect of their new benefactors. And just when you think everything is too perfect and about to get dull...it doesn't. It gets crazy and scary. The author holds nothing back in building a low life, criminal character hell bent on destroying the lives of our hero's. This book teaches or reminds us of how hard life can be for farmers and sharecroppers while also touching on the cold harsh truths of the Vietnam War and the POW experience. We learn how differently we all deal with complex choices, natural disasters, prejudice, faith, falling in love, loving unconditionally (yes there is a difference), compassion, betrayal, heartache, tragedy, loss, grief, terror, physical abuse, self defense killing, suicide, rape, abortion, brutal murder and revenge.

When life and human nature test your resolves down to your very soul, taking away everything you know and love, you may feel there are only two options in your future....Take Revenge or Die"-- Reviewer -- Dena