Super Fortress Saga Episode One: Battle for Eckandoor (Andanski Chronicles)
man discovering who he is, helping to protect Planet Eckandoor, once
Earth, from anything that threatens it....even one of the most powerful
men who exist on it, General Jonathan Vergice. Politics and lust for
power leads the young Herald Mobus and his friends on an adventure with
life changing results. Set upon by Vergice’s powerful army Herald is
tested like never before, taking him on a journey of surprising self
discovery. Comradeship, new friends, love and even deceit play a part
in this uninvited war of lies and treachery for control and power. This
however is only the beginning, as a civilisation’s future hangs in the
balance, strangers from time past and time to come intertwine through
uncontrollable events and open up questions about the future of
Eckandoor. Who are strong enough to survive and ask them?
Andanski Chronicles starts here with the Battle for Eckandoor, unknown
to Herald that he is the first of many warriors spawned from the
legendary Andanski rock discovered by Vergice’s ancestors. This rock,
believed to be the decomposed dead bodies of the alien Andanski race who
invaded earth over two hundred years prior, can produce unnatural
powers determined by the holders genome and DNA. Only temptation and
greed will follow.