Jesse James & The Secret Legend of Captain Coytus is a historical fiction comedy that packs as much heart as humor. If you like silly humor along the lines of movies like The Hangover and Super Bad or books written by authors like Christopher Moore or Lee Martinez, this may be a book for you.
The novel itself starts as a meeting between a Harvard History Professor and his delinquent student who submitted ‘Jesse James & The Secret Legend of Captain Coytus’ as his thesis paper. The professor assumed the maniacal submission by his student must be a prank, but it soon becomes apparent that not only is the submission the student’s own work, but that he believes every written word. Thus begins a rehashing of the student’s paper, which involves the famous outlaw Jesse James, and much of his Bushwhacker cohorts, along with the mysterious, Captain Coytus.
Thus begins a comic adventure of a historical lifetime.