Known Afterlife - a speculative fiction novel by Trey Copeland

Kindle Countdown Deal promotion dates: December 5-10, 2013. Discount price starts at $0.99

KNOWN AFTERLIFE is a balanced blend of fantasy and sci-fi. The two adrenaline-fueled narratives form parallel tracks: one, a planet-sized tree of magic, mythical beasts and romance beset by world-changing events, the other, a futuristic world of nearly recognizable technology and timeless corruption. The novel speculates on the
subject of spiritual evolution, contemplating the moral obstacles we all face while in pursuit of enlightenment. Exploring the gray area between science and mysticism, Copeland's debut novel entertains with fast-paced action while moving the reader to ask "what if" explorations of their own beliefs. Inspired by Joseph Campbell's "17 Stages of the Hero's Journey", Known Afterlife is the first book in the Provider Trilogy.