Tales of a Teenage Ninja is the first book written by Ken Malcom. In
2009 Ken was laid off from his full-time job. Suddenly faced with
some time off (a LOT of time off) he decided to test his hand at
writing, mainly to see if he could actually write an entire book.
The story centers on Connor, a boy in the 8th grade who has run afoul
of the school bully, a bully who seems intent on crushing Connor out
of existence. What, exactly, Connor has done he doesn't know, all he
knows is he's tired of being a punching bag. As determined a boy as
Connor is determination alone is not going to help him overcome the
bully's reign of terror.
Enter the new kid, Nick. Slender, short, and on the small side Nick
and Connor become fast friends along with Connor's best friend Wade.
Nick's father, who trained under Bruce Lee, owns his own marital arts
studio and offers Connor and Wade the chance to train with him and
An uplifting David vs. Goliath story "Tales of a Teenage Ninja" is a
great story for pre-teens and young adults alike.