35 Best Ways To Save Money When You Have Cancer - kindle ebook by Julie L.Kaye

"35 Best Ways To save Money When You Have Cancer" was written because
I needed more money to pay my expenses and mounting bills when I had
cancer 3 years ago. American Cancer Society's Finanical Resource list
sent me ( and probably thousands of others ) on a wild goose chase
applying to numerous non profits for any assistance possible. I never
heard from most of them and had to wait for months to hear from a few
who responded.

This book focuses on showing people with cancer in America and their
families how to save large chunks of money in many areas- reducing the
amount you owe on hospital bills, how to get your hospital and other
medical bills checked for errors for FREE, where to get free gift
cards, how to get FREE and low cost complementary healing. It will
also show you what your rights are as a cancer patient under the
Affordable Care Act, and how to check what your rates will be. There's
much more including free cruises for people who have cancer. I'm

I hope the Kindle Community can benefit and protect themselves from
financial hardship because of this book. God only knows, I put my
heart & soul into it.